1- Silver Medal in National Netball championship 2016 Islamabad 2- Bronze Medal In HEC All Pakistan Intervarsity Archery Championships 2017 3- 3rd Position in HEC All Pakistan Intervarsity Basketball championship 2016 Karachi 4- 3rd Position in HEC All Pakistan Intervarsity Basketball championship 2017 Islamabad 5- 3 times Winner of FCCU Annual Basketball league 2015 2016 2017 6- 2 times Winner of FCCU Annual Football league 2015 2016 7- Winner of Annual Lahore Football League 2017 8- Silver medal in Inter Board All Pakistan Basketball Championship Multan 2010 9- Silver Medal in All Punjab under-16 Basketball Championship 2009 Lahore.MUHAMMAD ZOHAIB's Profile
Age (Years): 30
Sport: Football
City: Lahore
Weight(Kgs): 68
Height: 5'9''
Wohaib football Club Lahore
Wohaib football Club Lahore
Captain Football team GCU university lahore Represent punjab team in national level Represent HEC team In national level Represent Wohaib football club in all pakistan tournament
Captain Football team GCU university lahore Represent punjab team in national level Represent HEC team In national level Represent Wohaib football club in all pakistan tournament
I am a Football Player and Football Runs in my veins.