Hazara team names for Under 23 National Football championship 2021
More than 100 footballers participated in the trials for the selection of Hazara region under 23 Football team.

More than 100 footballers participated in the trials for the selection of Hazara region under 23 Football team.
The selected team will play Under 23 National Football championship, which is slated to be held from July 2 at Kunj Football ground, Abbottabad.
The preparations for the Under 23 National Football championship are in full swing and Kung football ground and Abbottabad city are decorated with welcoming banners and posters.
For the Hazara region under 23 football team selection, two matches were played wherein first phase of the selection Abbottabad Green and While faced each other while in second phase Abbottabad Blue and Red played match.
Trial Committee Chairman RSO Hazara Tasawar Khan, Member Commission Committee Adil Khan Jadoon, Bilal Khan, Haider Ali, Touqeer, Saif Jadoon, Kaleem Khan and Shahid Gul supervised the selection matches process and elected 28 footballers.
Members of selection committee stated that the matches will be conducted in a free and fair manners to select the right players for the team on merit.
Musawar Khan said that a two-week-long training session for the selected young players will be commenced on Tuesday (22nd June).
The final team will be reported on July 01.