Last Day to Register for PUBG Mobile South Asia Shining Stars Contest 2021
PUBG mobile is organizing an influencer tournament to celebrate 3rd PUBG Mobile Anniversary with everyone in PUBG MOBILE.

PUBG Mobile's 3rd Anniversary Celebration is almost here, and PUBG mobile is organizing an influencer tournament to celebrate this event with everyone in PUBG Mobile. Influencers who sign up for the Shining Star Contest will be able to get unique titles, in-game advertising, and heaps of UC rewards!
How to Participate:
Make a video according to the requirements and post it on YouTube with the event hashtag.
Event Awards:
Popularity Award - The Top 3 will win unique titles(PUBG MOBILE Star), and the Top 10 will win an amount of UC equal to the number of views divided by 100 (from 1,000 UC to 10,000 UC).
Entertainment Award - The Top 3 will have their video published in the game for 1 day, and the Top 10 will win an amount of UC equal to the number of views divided by 100 (from 1,000 UC to 10,000 UC).
Skillful Award - The Top 3 will have their video published in the game for 1 day, and the Top 10 will win an amount of UC equal to the number of views divided by 100 (from 1,000 UC to 10,000 UC).
Rising Star Award - The Top 3 will win 20,000 UC, and the Top 10 will win an amount of UC equal to the number of views divided by 100 (from 1,000 UC to 10,000 UC).
Submission Rules:
1. Submission Time: 17 March 2021–31st March 2021.
2. Submissions must be uploaded to YouTube with the required hashtags. The four hashtags correspond to the four prize categories.
(a) [Most Exciting] - #PopularitySA . The popularity award is given based on the number of views a video receives.
(b) [Most Interesting] - #EntertainmentSA . The entertainment award is given based on the number of views a video receives.
(c) [Coolest] - #SkillSA . The skillful award is given based on the number of views a video receives.
(d) [Most Innovative] - #RisingStarSA . Only players who have fewer than 100,000 fans can compete for the rising star award, and the award is given based on the number of views a video receives.
The recommended video length is 15 seconds to 10 minutes.
3. Each entry is only applicable to 1 category. However, you can submit different video entries to participate in multiple categories.
4. To ensure your videos are properly registered, kindly place your preferred award tag to the forefront position among the tags of your video.
5. After uploading the video, double check that the first tag is described as your preferred award. After checking, fill out the video details into the survey. You may click on the link in the post to directly fill them out.
6. Submit a video about anything related to the PUBG MOBILE 3rd Anniversary Celebration. You are free to submit any form of video you like, including imitation, spoof, or compilation videos.
7. The Top 10 participants in each award category will make it to the final selections. Their videos will be displayed in the game for players to vote. The final ranking will be based on the number of votes received by the videos.
8. Participants must show their game ID at the end of the video and write their ID in the video description. The official team will contact the winners via their game ID.
9. Submissions must be original and published for the first time. Submissions must not be made on behalf of another person, moved, reposted, plagiarized, or submitted more than once. If any participants are found or reported to have violated this rule, they will be disqualified once it is verified to be true.
10. The use of unsanctioned means to boost views, LIKEs, shares, or other event data is prohibited. If any participants are found or reported to have violated this rule, they will be disqualified once it is verified to be true.
11. Video Resolution should be at least 720p.
12. There will be additional points awarded for showing your face in the video.
13. The submission video must be uploaded to YouTube within the submission time.
Source: PUBG Mobile