Faisal Fayyaz pledges to take Pakistan Gymnastics to new heights!
The International Association of Physical Education & Sports (IAPES) organised two-day 1st International Gymnastics Conference (IGC) 2021 in collaboration with Pakistan Gymnastics Federation (PGF) and Sports Promotion Society (SPS).

The International Association of Physical Education & Sports (IAPES) organised the two-day 1st International Gymnastics Conference (IGC) 2021 in collaboration with Pakistan Gymnastics Federation (PGF) and Sports Promotion Society (SPS).
PGF Secretary Parvaiz Ahmad and PGF President Ahmed Ali Rajpoot inaugurated and concluded the conference, thanking all the guests and participants and lauded the all-out efforts of chief organizer PGF Associate Secretary Faisal Fayyaz, who is also international organizing secretary of IGC 2021.
The chief guest of conference was five times world Olympian, five times world champion and world well renowned Russian Olympian Gymnast Ms Nellie Kim, Vice President of International Federation of Gymnastics (IFG), who appreciated the efforts of Faisal Fayyaz while doing innovative and technology-oriented development in gymnastics world. She told the audience that such kind of event never happened in the history of gymnastics.
The guest of honour comprised PGF Secretary Parvaiz Ahmad, President PGF Ahmed Ali Rajpoot, Indian Hockey Olympian and Vice President PEFI New Delhi India Dr Gurdeep Singh, President IFPEFSS and Director Osmania University Hyderabad, India Prof Rajesh Kumar, John Crumlish (Digital Expert California USA), Dennis Antonio(Chairman, WSAA & MISEAM), Mohsin Khan (Secretary Rajasthan Gymnastics Association, India), Dr Kishore Mukhopadhyay (Director Sports, Bengal University, India), John Crumlish(Digital Editor, International Gymnastics Magazine), Mariana Vasileva (Executive Member of AGF & Head Coach of Azerbaijan Republic).
The organizing committee comprised of Prof Jewelson Santos, President IAPES and Prof Faisal Fayyaz, Associate Secretary of PGF.
Two-day International Gymnastics Conference (IGC) 2021 was held in collaboration with Pakistan Gymnastics Federation (PGF) and Sports Promotion Society (SPS). PGF Secretary Parvaiz Ahmad, Preident PGF Ahmed Ali Rajpoot and chief guest Vice President IFG Ms Nellie Kim lauded the efforts of chief organizer Faisal Fayyaz, PGF Associate Secretary. Nedal Alyousefi (Aus), Prof Dr Gareth Irwin (UK), Dr Haan Yaan So (Korea), Ms Pat Warren (USA), Steve Arkell & Gaby Arkell (USA), Ms Teressa Siu (HK), Dr Megha Sahu (IND), Ms Adriana G de Porte (USA), Melanie Jenkins (AUS), Ms Ariana LeBlanc (USA) , Jad Mazahreh (Jordan), Deepak Kabra (IND), Ms Tania Lee Xu Yar (Malaysia), Dr Hem Chandra Joshi (IND), Dr Vangie Montillano (Philippines) delivered valuable lectures.