International prestige and regime of Pakistan in Gymnastics
Associate Secretary Pakistan Gymnastics Federation Prof, Faisal Fayyaz has awarded with a certificate of appreciation for being the Key Resource Person in an international webinar series, and lifetime membership certificate.
Pakistan Gymnastics Federation (PGF)organized the 1st National Online Gymnastics course in which more than 600 participants from all over the country have participated.
Four world renowned gymnastics experts: Dr. Gareth Irwin, Dr. Haan Yaan So, Nedal Alyousefi, Lucas Gulnanzo delivered Lectures in ‘International Webinar of virtual gymnastics workshop (coaching and Judging)’.
Associate Secretary Pakistan Gymnastics Federation Prof, Faisal Fayyaz has awarded with a certificate of appreciation for being the Key Resource Person in an international webinar series, and lifetime membership certificate.
Faisal delivered a lecture on the Impact of Exercise on Mental Health of Children held on 6th October.
More than 700 gymnasts have registered under Pakistan Gymnastics Federation (PGF).