Quaid-e-Azam National Men and Women Powerlifting Championships 2019 postponed
Pakistan Powerlifting Federation has announced the postponement of Quaid-e-Azam National Men and Women Powerlifting Championships 2019 which were to take place in Lahore.
The Pakistan Powerlifting Federation has decided to postpone the Quaid-e-Azam National Men and Women Powerlifting Championships which were scheduled to be held on 25th and 26th December in Lahore.
The reason of this postponement is due to very cold and bad weather and travel conditions. Muhammad Rashed Malik, General Secretary PPF, informed that the event was postponed upon the request of participating teams.
The Federation now will be holding the second Chief Minister Punjab Gold Cup, 4th National Women and 20th National Men Powerlifting Championships during the month of March in 2020.
The above mentioned championships will be held in the following categories:
- Women Open: (47 KG, 52 KG, 57 KG, 63 KG, 69 KG, 75 KG, 84 KG, +84 KG)
- Men Open: (59 KG, 66 KG, 74 KG, 83 KG, 93 KG, 105 KG, 120 KG, +120 KG)
- Men Masters: 40 to 60 Years of age (66 KG, 74 KG, 83 KG, 93 KG, 105 KG, 120 KG)