12th Pakistan National Rated Chess Championship on 3rd November
Another call for talented chess players to take part in the 2019 Pakistan National Rated Chess Championship which are scheduled for 3rd November at PSB Coaching Center in Lahore.

Chess Association of Punjab (CAP) and Pakistan Chess Club (PCC) are jointly, organizing another mega chess event, into the current year, which has officially been named as Pakistan National Rated Chess Championship which is all set to commence on 3rd November at PSB Coaching Center in Lahore.
Chess Association of Punjab (CAP) will gladly host this mega chess event that will have competitions in two category of A and B. The A class is open to only those players who have been rated higher than 1500, while B category will have the players rated lower than 1500.
Entry fee has been set as Rupees 1000 for both classes.
There will be five total rounds with time control of 15+10. The competitions will begin at 11:00 AM sharp.
The winning prize pursue would be the 60% of collected entries from both the categories. To register yourself now for this opportunity following number can be contacted,
0321-4071658 (Joint Secretary Chess Association of Punjab (CAP), Mr Muhammad Shafiq).