Col. Shafqat annexes Major Gen. Bilal Omer Shaheed Tennis Championship 2019 title
Col. Shafqat won the Seniors 40+ title of the 1st Major Gen. Bilal Omer Shaheed Tennis Championship 2019 which concluded at the Siraj-Ul-Haq Tennis Club, Westridge, Rawalpindi.

The first edition of Major General Bilal Omer Shaheed Memorial Tennis Championship 2019 concluded successfully where Col.Abdullah Shafqat outshone Nazik Khan in straight sets in the final to win the title here at Siraj-Ul-Haq Tennis Club, Rawalpindi.
In the exciting final, Shafqat took the first set 6-4 by breaking the 10th game of his opponent. Shafqat won the second set with the same score after breaking the second game of his opponent and sealed the Senior 40+ title. Aleezay won the ladies’ singles title after overwhelmed Aqila Ayub by 2-0. She took the first set 4-2 before winning the second set with the same score.
In the U-10 final, Syed Jamal beat Ali Ayub, 4-2, 4-2, while Afaan Zubair defeated Syed Jamal, 4-2, 4-1, in the U-12 final. In the U-14 final, Syed Saad stunned Muhammad Obaidullah, 4-1, 4-2. In the U-18 final, Rayan Ul Haq outperformed Fawad Naveed, 6-3, 6-2.
In the men’s doubles final, Syed Ibrahim/Umar Khan defeated Rayan Ul Haq/Ali Awan, 6-4, 7-5. While in the seniors’ doubles 40+ final, Col Shafqat/Capt Zafar Islam outclassed Col Zubair/Major Asif, 6-4, 6-3.
Minahil thrashed Aleezay, 4-2, 4-1, in the girls’ U-14 final. Saeed-Ul-Haq was the chief organiser of the event, Col (R) Zubair Anwar was tournament director and Muhammad Bilal was tournament referee.