Punjab University Lahore wins 13th HEC All Pakistan Inter-University Chess Championship
A total of 23 universities participated in the 13th edition of Higher Education Commission (HEC) All Pakistan Inter-University Chess Championship which concluded successfully at UTE Lahore.

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in efforts with University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore organized the "All Pakistan Inter-University Chess Championship" into the current year, which marked its 13th successful edition.
This championship featured a noticeable number of universities taking part from all over the country as the competition was open for the students enrolled in different Higher Education Commission (HEC) registered universities. Some of the many participating universities included: Punjab University Lahore, University of Lahore, Institute of Business Administration Karachi, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, University of Karachi etc.
Among a total of 23 participating university teams, the Punjab University Lahore etched their name on the title of the championship by claiming the first position with 14 points, they were followed on the runner-up spot by University of Lahore who managed to accumulate 12 points, third position went to Institute of Business Administration Karachi with 10 points and 13 Board points.
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro managed to stand on the fourth spot also with accumulating 10 points but with .5 less Board point i.e. 12.5 while University of Karachi stood on the fifth position with having 10 points and 12 Board points.
These draws and ratings were approved by Chief Arbiter, Muhammad Sahfiq and Officer Muhammad Saad.