Tennis NEWS

24 coaches featuring in ITF level-I tennis course

The ongoing ITF level-I tennis course will conclude today (Friday) and the certificates awarding ceremony will be held at Punjab Tennis Academy Bagh-e-Jinnah.

The ongoing ITF level-I tennis course will conclude today (Friday) and the certificates awarding ceremony will be held at Punjab Tennis Academy Bagh-e-Jinnah. 

“Twenty four potential coaches from across the country participated in an intensive course conducted by ITF Level-III tutors Asim Shafiq and Kamran Khalil. In modern day tennis, such courses play key role to upgrade the knowledge of the coaches to groom tennis players at all levels,” said PLTA Secretary Rashid Malik.

He further acknowledged the effort of Rafum Group to promote tennis and also to sponsor the ITF level-1 course. “Rafum Group CEO Shahid Hussain will distribute certificates amongst the coaches, who pass the test. The certificates distribution ceremony will be held at 3:30 pm at tennis courts of Punjab Tennis Academy,” he added.

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