SPS Trekking Club

Trekking in the mountains could be one of such activities. Trekking not only gives physical exercise but develops one’s will-power as well. The joy experienced in the cozy and serene lap of Mother Nature can’t be imagined in the noisy materialistic life of cities.
Club MemberShip
To be a member of the SPS Trekking Club, please download, fill in the registration form and send it by email or by post.
Ever since the birth of this planet, man is in perpetual pursuit of leading a harmonious life, devoid of miseries, sorrows, trials and tribulations. To achieve this end, man resorts to a diversified sources that include blind pursuit of wealth so that he and those associated with him lead a luxurious life. This enigmatic approach towards life creates an imbalance and, as a consequence, life on this planet becomes turbulent, paradoxical and complicated. This dilemma has engulfed the entire arena at the present era and humans are in the tight clutches of ever-increasing anxieties.
Under the prevalent scenario, there is a dire need that man comes out of the shackles, embraces the nature and enjoy the intoxicated comforts of life. Life in wilderness involves multifarious advantages, learnings and skills; traits which are non-existent otherwise. Trekking and Hiking, under the circumstances, avails a very valuable opportunity to humans to come close to nature, explore the flora and fauna and, ultimately, get the much needed physical, mental, spiritual and psychological relief. All blessings be to ALLAH that SPS Trekking Club has been carrying out this sacred activity in the northern areas of Pakistan since 1991. During the journey, SPS Trekking Club has achieved enviable distinctions that include a number of trekking expeditions and summits of international repute. The unique distinction that the club enjoys and for the same it can rightly be acclaimed is that the club achieved the distinctions within its meager resources. SPS Trekking Club is, as ever, committed to the sacred task of achieving more and more distinctions and to provide a valuable plateform to the nature loving people of Pakistan.
What is Trekking?
A trek is a long, adventurous journey undertaken on foot in areas where common means of transport are generally not available. Trekking should not be confused with mountaineering. In North America the equivalent is backpacking, while New Zealanders use the word tramping. The term derived from the Afrikaans word trek (noun), trekken (verb), (literally meaning to "pull, travel"), became a word in English language in mid 19th century, and means a long arduous journey, typically on foot. Following is a list of world’s best mountains for trekking loved by trekkers, backpackers, mountaineers, trampers and those looking for long distance trails. 01 Mount Everest, Nepal, Tibet & China Border 02 K2, China – Pakistan Border 03 Mount Kailash, Tibet 04 Mount Kinabalu, Borneo 05 Mount Huang, China 06 Monte Fitz Roy, Argentina & Chile Border 07 Mountains of Banff, Canada 08 Matterhorn, Switzerland & Italy 09 Table Mountain, South Africa 10 Aoraki Mount Cook, New Zealand 11 Drakensberg, South Africa 12 Mont Blanc Circuit, Europe.
- Preparing the members of the club to face the challenges of life.
- Building up the team working skills among the members which help them in creating the team working environment in their Job places.
- Improving the physical condition of the members and keeping them fit for their routine activities.
- Creating the sense of responsibility, patience and tolerance in the members who can create the same in society in general.
- Creating fellow-feelings and patriotism among the club members belonging to different parts of the country and making them true Pakistani.
- Enabling the trekkers to adjust themselves in new environment with unforeseen eventualities.
- Enhancing the skills of the members by learning different activities during their treks and the skill thus learned/developed can be applied in their day-to-day life.
- Giving members the opportunities to explore nature and be part of it.
- Educating the members about the purity of nature. They get the chance to see how pure and pollution-free the world has been created and how responsible man has been for not keeping it pure.
- With such knowledge the members realize their responsibility and would naturally do their utmost to keep the environment around them clean and teach others to do the same.
- Undertaking hard treks gives boost to the moral, and will-power of the trekkers which goes a long way in helping them face hard times of their life with patience and perseverance.
- Improving the verbal/linguistic, interpersonal, intra-personal, boldly kinaesthetic and naturalist intelligence of the members.