The Italy Rugby league defeated Pakistan Rugby league team by 32-20 and won the Tariq Naizi Trophy at Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad.
The Tariq Niazi Rugby Trophy 2017

The Italian rugby team will play for the Tariq Niazi Trophy Title against the Pakistan Rugby League (PRL) team on Saturday 18th Nov, 2017 in Jinnah Stadium Islamabad. The event is open for the general public and everyone is invited to witness the first of its kind international Rugby game in Pakistan.
The visit of the Italian team is dubbed as a historic occasion since the team is visiting Pakistan for the first time. The organization of this match between the Italian National rugby team with PRL on Pakistan's home ground is supported by World Rugby League and Co-managed by Sportsfever360
The two teams will be playing for the title at 12:00 PM at Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad.
The sponsors for the event are Hashoo Group, Marvel Motors, HOWDY, Matchless Travels International, bling studios and Moonlight trust.